Connecting with Your Soul – my interview with Brainz online magazine

Some juicy tidbits…

At a dinner with some folks a while ago, we were asked to say what our passion is. For me, the answer was clear. My passion is holding people’s prayers. Strange? As a Spiritual Director/Companion and Nature Connection Guide, that is what I do. I create a space for people to connect with their soul, their yearnings, their prayers, and with Spirit in the world and in themselves.

I came to this work of Spiritual Direction over many years of developing my own spiritual path and voice…I bring all of my life experiences to my guiding and companioning work. For example, I can relate to with those who are in office environments and are yearning for greater spiritual discernment or mindfulness. I also bring in practices and wisdom I’ve been blessed with over the six decades of my life, a life that includes over 30 years of marriage and raising two sons, years of study and prayer leadership in my birth tradition, Judaism, as well as years of involvement in men’s work and men’s groups, along with earth-based spiritual practices. Other formal learning and training such as Forest Bathing Guide certification, Spiritual Director certification, training in guiding nature-based spirituality, and Wilderness First Responder certification are part of the package as well. As you might imagine, my earth-based practices and spiritual guidance comes out of a deep love of the more-than-human world.

If there is a single goal for my Spiritual Direction work with people, it’s that they feel more sacredness in themselves and their lives and that they present that to their world. I believe that my holding their sharing as holy offerings evokes that sense of sacredness and preciousness in themselves and empowers them to share it with others.

How we view things is a choice, and I choose to view events like this with awe and wonder.

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